Thursday, July 5, 2012

where are the cameras?

I think I saw a movie once where a young couple took a huge risk by selling half of their possessions and move away.  They struggled at crappy jobs until something better fell into their lap, meanwhile they found out they're pregnant & purchase their first home which end up being severely damaged in a tornado after only 4 months. They had to live in a hotel for 2 months where they end up having to bring their first born daughter home to... oh wait, thats my life.


The last 7 months has been the shortest/longest 7 months of my life, and it really should be documented.  If not for your reading pleasure, or our enjoyment to recall in the future, then for me to word vomit and release any anxieties I've acquired over this time.
The following is a timeline, however, over the next couple weeks (in between this whole 'mom' gig i'm doing now) I hope to compose more detailed entries of our 2012 adventures.

Rest easy knowing this movie is looking like a 'happily ever after' ending.

-February 1, 2011-Rosh packs up and moves from San Antonio to Arlington (a 4 hour trip that took 11hrs in the worst ice storm North Texas has had in years) where they both wait tables, Rhonda attends school, and Josh begins to lead worship for 2 different churches.

-March 8, 2011-Rosh 2 year anniversary

-October 2011-Rhonda's Dad falls ill of an extremely rare food poisoning, while she visits him in Maryland she finds out she's pregnant.

-December 2011- Rosh purchases first house!

-January 2012- Josh accepts and begins full time position with Compass Christian Church

-February 2012- 'babymoon' to the Florida Keys

-March 8, 2012- Rosh 3 year anniversary

-April 2, 2012- Hundreds of dollars in bank fraud- you're welcome to whoever enjoyed their time at Benihana, NYC

-April 3, 2012- Tornado's swarm DFW, severely damaging Rosh's new home, forcing them into a hotel for over 70 days.

-June 2, 2012- Collins Kay Nunez born at 5:08am

-June 15, 2012- House is deemed livable, Rosh+ move home.

Needless to say we're pooped. They always say God won't give you more than you can handle... but good grief... obviously things could have been worse and we are blessed beyond belief they weren't.
We are very thankful to be on the other side of far as we know we are on the other side of this anyway...

We are doing great!  Very happy to be home & completely in love with our gorgeous daughter. God is good and we feel more blessed than ever before- just a little sleep deprived.